August Happy Hour
Our next event, sponsored locally by SEVO Systems, will be a chapter happy hour on August 6th at 4-6pm at Maloney's in Overland Park. Meet us there!
New August/September Monthly Meeting
We have added a new date to our schedule. We will host a Monday, August 31st Chapter meeting. We are close to finalizing the topic, but be sure to check out the website for the latest details.
Scholarship Review
Our scholarship committee will be reviewing and determining awards during the month of June, with announced awards during the summer. If you are interested in learning more about this committee, please contact Joe Meyer.
Golf Tournament
We are very excited and close to announcing the golf tournament details for 2015. Please consider joining us this year for the tournament which supports local students interested in fire protection. It will be held late in the week within the first two weeks of September. For more information, please contact Joe Meyer or stay tuned to chapter updates.
Chapter Bylaws
After voting on national SFPE constitution and bylaws, our officers are reviewing and will be building new bylaws that are up to date for the chapter. Once voted and approved by the officers they will be distributed at October's meeting for overall membership vote and approval.
Spring 2016 Technical Seminar
We are excited to bring back the chapter technical seminar for Spring 2016. We hope to offer a slate of applicable and informative topics for a full day seminar in March or April. If you have a topic, speaker, or organization who may be interested in helping support or speak at this event, please contact Joe Meyer or contact Derek O'Donnell.