This presentation will discuss the difficulties and issues with designing Attic Protection Per the current NFPA 13 prescriptive Standard. The presentation will then touch on the Specific Application Attic Sprinkler Protection Scheme and discuss the common misuses and misapplication of these specific application listings. Finally, it will discuss design for the new specific application attic protection scheme which differs from the Peak Type Special Application Scheme; reducing the system water demand dramatically from those being used up to now.
Karl Wiegand, P.E. works in the engineering department at Globe Fire Sprinkler Corporation where his primary duties consist of working to improve globe sprinkler technology, provide training, and represent Globe's interests within the fire protection industry. Karl holds a Professional Engineering license in the field of Fire Protection Engineering and is a graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Fire Protection Engineering. Karl currently holds a position on NFPA 16, 101, 820, and 5000 Standards Committee.
Lunch begins at 11:30am with the discussion beginning at noon. We'll be at Cinzetti's Italian Buffet in Overland Park. You can RSVP and pay online ahead of time here:
Don't forget to register online for this monthly meeting and check -in with Maryann at the door. We look forward to seeing you there!