When & Where: Thur. Nov. 4th from noon-1pm, virtually via Teams. Visit CALENDAR page to sign up!
MOKAN Business: 2022 Board Member Nominations, Fundraiser Update, 2022 Committee Opportunities, and more!
Presenters: Cole Davis (Business Dev. Manager) & Ali Zaher (Senior Applications Engineer) with Draeger Inc.
Topic: NFPA 72 Combinations Fire and Safety Systems & an Introduction to Fire and Gas Detection Mapping
Description: NFPA 72 (2019 edition) permits the combination of fire and safety systems through performance verification. A brief dive into the details, advantages, and applications of this allowance will be discussed. Additionally, we will discuss how HazMap3D, a modeling software, can be used to evaluate the requirements for fire and gas detection and prove the designed systems will/are providing adequate coverage.
Professional Development Hours: 1 - certifications will be emailed out within 2 weeks following the meeting.
Contact [email protected] with any questions